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The Prime Minister of India praised Mr. Sandeep Kumar, founder of Open Eyes Foundation in ‘Mann Ki Baat’ (October 25, 2020)

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This campaign, "Raddi Se Shiksha," focuses on providing underprivileged children with relevant educational materials, emphasizing the 3 R’s - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Our organization aims to support students in leading meaningful lives while considering environmental sustainability.

To achieve our objectives, we:

1. Collect Old Books: We gather used books, registers, pens, and other educational materials from schools, colleges, and residential areas.

2.Organize Campaigns: We conduct awareness campaigns in colleges across the Tri-City area, educating youth about our initiative and encouraging them to donate their used books and registers.

Reuse and Distribute: We redistribute the collected books and stationery, fully utilizing available resources. Our goal is to contribute to environmental conservation by significantly reducing paper usage.

Through “Raddi Se Shiksha,” we address the issue of underprivileged children lacking access to essential educational items and strive to make a positive impact on both their lives and the environment.

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